Why should you keep your distribution centre clean and safe?

Being the distribution centre owner, you will always want it to look the best to attract potential new clients. However, it is easy for distribution centres to become messy, dirty, stained and almost hazardous.  


Will it improve efficiency?  

Having a clean distribution centre will improve the efficiency of the staff in the workplace like it would in any workspace. It eliminates distractions for the team, which allow your staff to concentrate on the task they are doing. This will bring you better results and let your team hit more targets. This will boost the overall efficiency and productivity of your staff.  


Does it reduce the risk of any hazards?  

When your distribution centre is clean, it reduces the risks of any hazards occurring such as tripping over rubbish on the floor or even harmful bacteria growing. It also reduces the risk of any insects coming into the distribution centre that may be harmful to the staff, especially if they are allergic to wasps. 


If there’s rubbish on the floor, this will affect the staff, making them subconsciously feel demotivated, which is the opposite of how you want your employees to feel. Rubbish on the floor can be a trip hazard to people in the distribution centre. As well as being dangerous, overflowing rubbish bins may also affect the morale of staff. 


How does it affect employee health and well-being?  

Employees are significantly less stressed in a clean work environment, which can reduce the number of people signed off from work by their doctor. Not only does it reduce stress, but it can also lead to better sleep and a healthier lifestyle. This will tend to lead to increased productivity and motivation, which will also rub off on the other employees.  

It has been proven that companies will lose time and revenue, which means that it may be an investment to pay for a cleaner, but you are also investing in your company and your staff.  

There is an 80% reduction in catching a common cold when you have a clean workspace. This will reduce the number of people calling in sick and then finding cover for the people who have called in sick. This will also mean the amount of work is kept to a level that will be adhered to more likely than if the 80% reduction were to call in sick. 


Are there any legislations I need to abide by?  

You need to abide by a few legislations when you own a company. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulation 1992 and The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. You may have heard of these, but you might not fully understand them. Do not panic, we’re here to explain them to you. 


 The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulation 1992:  

This legislation means that any workspace must have the right furniture, furnishings, and fittings that are kept clean for the staff. It also means that the floors, walls, and ceilings must be kept to a high standard. This legislation also covers that there should not be a build-up of waste materials, and they should all be disposed of correctly.  


The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974:   

This legislation covers occupational health and safety in the United Kingdom. This legislation means that staff training needs to make sure all health and safety procedures are adhered to. More often than not, these will be different for every company. This also covers that there need to be welfare provisions for staff and that they should be working in a safe environment maintained to a high standard with the operations being conducted safely. This also states that staff need to be told about new and relevant information and instruction. They should always have a form of supervision that is responsible for them.  


There are many reasons you should keep your distribution centre clean, whether it is the different legislations, employee health and well-being or the increased efficiency.  


Are you a distribution centre owner that wants to increase efficiency or enjoy a clean distribution centre?  

Do not wait; give us a call now.   


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