What Specialist Equipment & Machinery is Used in Industrial Cleaning?

Ever wondered what kind of machinery and equipment is used during an industrial clean?

Here we outline the most common equipment used within the industrial cleaning industry…


A Scrubber-Drying machine combines the scrubbing action of a rotary cleaning machine with the suction function of a vacuum cleaner allowing both cleaning processes to be carried out in one single motion.

Scrubber-Dryers use rotating brushes to remove dirt alongside the application of water and high-strength cleaning fluids which rotate and put pressure on the surface to help dislodge and remove dirt.

Using a scrubber-dryer allows the surfaces to be walked on again straight

Floor Sweepers

Floor sweeping machines use a system of rotating brushes to sweep the surface debris and dirt into a container, which can then be removed and emptied.

Floor Sweepers come in both ride on and walk behind varieties; walk behind floor sweepers are best for small, hard to navigate areas like restaurants and shops, whilst the ride on variety is best for large scale cleaning locations like warehouses.

Steam Cleaners

Industrial-use steam cleaners work in much the same way as steam cleaners we use in the home, however they are much larger and are capable of withstanding higher heat and applying greater pressure.

Industrial steam cleaners work by using a built-in boiler system to heat water to 100 degrees which creates a constant supply of hot steam, which is then pushed out of the nozzle at varying pressures.

Pressure Washers

Industrial pressure washers are essentially a water hose, powered by an electric or petrol/diesel motor. Similar to the pressure washers available to the public, but much more powerful.

The pressure washer works by taking water from a faucet, which is then pumped at high pressure and through the hose at high speed, forcing dirt and debris to dislodge from a surface.

Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

Nothing like the average hoover you’ll find under the stairs at home, these guys are designed and manufactured to be robust, guarantee high suction efficiency, and to also work continuously for long periods of time.

The majority of industrial vacuum cleaners are designed for use on wet and dry surfaces too, which is ideal for picking up both liquids and debris.

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